Decision Matrix Tool
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Value Decision Matrix Tool


Select the number of people those are going to participate in this decision making

Enter Names

Please enter the name and email of each participant.

Discussion Topic

Describe the decision that you are wanting to make.

Potential Options

Please list all of the potentional options which you like to consider in making this decession.

Add Item into the options list

Criteria / Values Consideration List

Create a list of most important factors to consider when making this decision.

Add Item into the consideration list

Weight Options

Please weight each of the following criterias by assigning it a number between 1 to .
Higher number means most weight and important while lower number means less weight or less important.

Disparity Score

Please check the disparity score carefully before moving forward.

Red shows you have a serious conflict on this value, discuss in detail.
Yellow shows slight conflict.
Green shows unity and harmony

Enter Values

Please fill the following matrix by assigning each cell a number between 1 to .
means high success chances while 1 means no success.

Logical Score!

You now have a logic score! This will now apease the left hemispher of your brain and you have just put logic and order to a complex set of variables that NO way your brain could have cycled out with out this tool.

Rank Option Score

's Heart Desire

Please rank the following options privately and according to your heart desire.
3 means closest to your heart while 1 means least desirable

's Heart Desire

Please rank the following options privately and according to your heart desire.
1 means closest to your heart while 3 means least desirable

's Heart Desire

Please rank the following options privately and according to your heart desire.
1 means closest to your heart while 3 means least desirable

's Heart Desire

Please rank the following options privately and according to your heart desire.
1 means closest to your heart while 3 means least desirable


You should now have clarity and insight on which direction to go.

Left Hemesphere - Top Ranking

Rank Option Score

Rank Option

Rank Option

Rank Option

Rank Option
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